Rules & Regulations


Every student has to submit duly filled admission form in his/her own handwriting (enclosed herein this prospectus). Original testimonials have to be brought at the time of admission along with attested photocopies, Candidates applying from J&K State must submit at the time of admission, original bonafide domicile and character certificate issued by concerned authorities.


The fee is payable through Bank Draft favoring SANJEEVNI MEDIC MISSION payable at Chandigarh Regd. Office or directly at the college situated in GARHI. The fee paid at the time of registration will be further adjusted in the semester fee. A student will not be allowed to sit for examination unless the fee has been fully paid by the due date. The fee includes examination fee, development fee, library fee, study material, practical, chemicals, sports, cultural function, community health service.Please Note : For foreign Student Fee will be 25% Extra.


Students must follow the norms prescribed by the Institute for dress, both for summer and winter. White coat is mandatory for all students in the Institute’s campus.


All application for admission must be made on prescribed forms only duly filled in with necessary mark sheet, certificate, and testimonials within week’s time.


An identity card will be issued to all the students and they are to bring it along with them to the Institute on all working days .Duplicate card can be issued against payment of Rs 50/-


Progress report of each student will be sent to his/her parents/guardian after every interval test and result of final examination will be sent by post.


All the students have to fulfill the minimum criteria of attendance. A student who will be absent for more than three days on account of sickness , should submit a medical certificate from a regd. Medical practitioner .


A student will attend classes /practical’s from 09:00am to 1:00pm. The timings , however, can be changed by the Management .


The Institute will remain closed on all holidays observed by the Central and State Govt. the vacation dates will be intimated to the students through notice board .


Punctuality, regularity and proper uniform, polite behavior and good conduct are expected from all students. This Institute maintains absolute discipline. Violation of rules will result in severe disciplinary action.
Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline, the following shall amount to indiscipline and misconduct:

  • Any physical assault or even threat to use physical force against any student or any other member of the Institute (both teaching or non-teaching ) within the Institute’s premises.
  • Carrying of weapons or threat of using them.
  • Any violation of the provision of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976.
  • Any gesture, posture or verbal remark, which is otherwise derogatory to women .
  • Any attempt to bribery for illegal gains or any other corruption of any means.
  • Willful destruction of , damage to or defacing of Institute property or causing any disruption in any manner to the normal functioning of the Institute .
  • Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious, political or communal grounds.
  • Smoking, use of alcohol/ prohibited drugs is strictly prohibited inside the campus and hostel. The student found indulging in such acts would be immediately struck of from the rolls of the Institute.


The name of any student absenting himself/herself, without any valid reason or without written permission from concerned authorities, for a period of 6 working days from the class, will be struck off from the Institute roll. However he/she will be permitted to attend the classes by paying re-admission charges as applicable from time to time.

Any student who
  • Is irregular in attendance
  • Fails to show anticipated progress or due diligence in academics.
  • Is a habitual non-performer.
  • Is liable to have his/her name struck off from the Institute. Management reserves the sole discretion of re-admission. In such cases, the recommendation of respective class teacher/H.O.D’s for extra coaching to the students would solely lie with the management or its designated officers. It would be mandatory for the student to undergo such recommended extra coaching and show required results.
  • The progress of the student will be communicated to their parents/guardian
  • Regularly by the media of their choice.
  • All students will necessarily attend their internal exams conducted by the Institute. Parents/Guardians are requested to pay regular and proper attention to the progress of their children and must meet Principal or any other designated officer as and when called for, in the interested of their ward.
  • The students will attend Institute in the uniform code given in the prospectus. It is mandatory to attend the Institute in the uniform code and also in the time. Defaulters in this regard would be penalized according to the rules framed from time to time.
  • All students, while entering the Institute must have their name plates clipped in a proper place and should carry their identity cards issued by the institute on person while in the campus.
  • Any misconduct or misbehavior in the institute/hostel campus or outside shall be viewed seriously. Pasting of any kind of notice or poster within the institute or defacing its property is not allowed . the students are forbidden to communicate with any outside authority directly or indirectly regarding matters of institute . all such communications must be submitted through the Principal ,who will forward to the office of the Chairman.
  • The Institute does not hold itself responsible for any dents or financial deals struck by the students or their parents/guardians.
  • The students are not allowed to loiter about without purpose in the college premises. They are advised to avail the library facility during their free periods.
  • If students lose or any type of damage to any library property they either arrange to replace it with new one at their own cost within 1 month of the loss or pay double the price of the book.
  • Students will have to pay for all damages caused by them to the books, equipments, instruments or any other Institution property.
  • Students are advised to maintain the decorum of the Institution in the real spirit.
  • Students are not allowed to use the Institute/office telephone for private use.
  • Ragging in any form, is strictly prohibited , both within and outside premises of the Institute or collective act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline shall be dealt with strictly .
  • Mobile phones shall not be allowed in the academic block , administrative block and library.
  • Matter not covered by the above rules will fall entirely within the absolute discretion of the management of the Institute only.

All disputes would be subject to jurisdiction Chandigarh only.